An Ayurvedic Guide To Healthy Hair

Introduction: Ayurvedic solutions are based on not just external factors but internal ones as well. It is an individual’s entire diet and lifestyle cycle that shows its impact on their overall health. So if you want to flaunt healthy, thick, long, and strong hair, then Ayurveda is the way to go. Follow these practical Ayurvedic tips and say hello to rapunzel-like hair!

  1. Massage your hair and scalp with warm oil. Gently massage it into the roots of the hair and along the length. Wash off with a gentle shampoo the next morning. 

  2. Avoid blow drying, ironing, or hairstyling treatments that can heat up the hair follicles leaving them dry and damaged.

  3. Comb or brush your hair every day to stimulate the hair follicles and boost blood circulation. However, avoid combing hair when wet.

  4. Maintain a healthy, nutritious, and well-balanced diet. Most hair concerns like premature greying and hair fall are a result of an imbalance in the diet. 

  5. Sleep adequately. Fight stress and anxiety. 

Conclusion: Ayurvedic tips focus on improving the overall health of an individual since you can have healthy hair only when you have a healthy body and mind.  
